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Our Experience

Kelly is Board Certified in Family Law which means she is an expert at the simple to the complex lawsuits involving divorce, custody modifications, child support, pre-nuptial agreements, post-nuptial agreements and grandparent cases.

It is critically important to Kelly that her clients know their options and their chances of success before they make any decisions on their case. At times, Kelly will deliver bad news to her clients about the limits of Texas Law, their misplaced expectations or practical considerations such as costs of litigation and the emotional toll.  At other times, she will seek to encourage her clients to dig deeper and stay the course. Kelly is a natural born advocate and does not know any other way to represent a client except to get in there and work hard. 

Marcy has been handling family law matters for over thirty years. Her experience is hard to match and allows her clients to have confidence in her abilities to establish expectations and probable outcomes. She knows if the light at the end of the tunnel is the horizon or a train coming your way. Her clients love her truth telling personality and ability to prioritize critical issues. In light of her experience, Marcy’s clients enjoy knowing she possesses strong and long-term relationships with local attorneys, judges and court staff. Marcy is methodical and deliberate in establishing a strategy for her clients. 


“Kelly did an excellent job structuring the division of a family owned business in my divorce so that my portion of the community estate was not only equitable but secured by complicated security instruments.”
Susan S.